Monday, December 31, 2007


I am not really doing a long Christmas post, just a little note to go with the following blogs. Rick was kind enough to get me a digital camera for Christmas so I can take pictures to share. I figure since all my children have a good camera I should join the club. I had a great Christmas and especially enjoyed my visit with Mark. More on all that later.

apparently the pictures didn't post

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My amazing daughter in law

Ya-ping made me a pillow/quilt for Christmas. I knew she was making it but had no idea that there would be a picture on it. I pictured something very simple. I have to admit to having tears in my eyes as I saw what effort she put into making something so significant for me. I was planning on keeping this downstairs to curl up in when I watch TV, but it will go on my living room couch. I am not sure how often I will use the blanket. I could look at the pillow all day and it turns inside out when you use the quilt.

Ya-ping also made a quilt for Sue. When she came in August and saw how clean and nice Sue's house was she decided to make a quilt to finish up Sue's "new" bedroom. Mind you, this is a girl who hasn't done much sewing and had never made a quilt before. I knew she wanted to piece one but I pictured something easy with big squares. The pictures don't even do it justice. It is beautiful and intricate. I think about all the people who have problems with their in laws. How lucky can I be? I probably have the sweetest daughter in law around!

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Check Jesse's blog

The title to this blog should provide a link to Jesse's blog. You all might want to check it out. Mark is doing well and will leave tomorrow for Spokane. I am sure the Christmas season will be pretty slow so I hope he doesn't get discouraged. I only have one more week of school and I hope Sue and I both survive. Kids are so crazy this time of year and Sue has an especially difficult class this year. My 28 kids are mellow by comparison. Enjoy your holidays!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Happy Again

I can breathe a sigh of relief and tell you that I am happy again. We got both an email and snail mail from Mark this week. He sounds great! He said the first day was pretty rough but he has not been homesick since. He loves being a missionary. It is such a relief to know he is happy. Really, all you ever want for your kids is for them to be happy.
I also had a great conversation about him yesterday. I gave a shower for a friend of David's who is getting married. A couple of their non-member neighbors came to the shower. When someone asked me about how Mark was doing they both gasped and asked if the boy that just spoke in church was my son. They had come to church for a confirmation on the day of Mark's farewell. They told me how much they have talked about him since then. They even called each other on the Wednesday Mark left to say they were thinking of him because that was the day he was leaving. He made such a strong impression on them. They said a missionary like that, who speaks straight from the heart, might even be able to convert them. When they left they gave me a hug and said they love me already because I have such a great son. Now that is a pay-day for a mom!
Allie would like to type something for the blog: allieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee