Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Wow! It has been so long I forgot how to post.  Mark is spurring me on to bigger and better things.  We had a great weekend, so I thought I would share it.  Mark is minoring in geology and has been talking a lot about rocks.  We decided to see if he wanted to go see some of the volcanoes and lava tubes around Fillmore.  There are many Utah places we have gone with the older kids, but somehow Mark got left out.  It was really fun.  If I can still figure it out there will be pictures as well.  Then we stayed one night up in Fillmore Canyon.  Sarena was kind enough to go up and reserve the camp site and let the family know we were invited.  We got to see about half of Sarena's family and Kim, Mike, Terrill's family, and Angie came up for a while on Saturday.  It was fun.  Sunday was Rick's birthday.  It was pretty uneventful because we are just ordering a new spotting scope for him so there were no presents to open (except one from his son and daughter.) 

The first picture Mark took from inside one of the lava tubes.  Obviously they are falling in, hence the holes in the ceiling.  Mark says they are about 500 years old.  The second picture is coming out of one of the tubes.  I assume the tube was much longer but large portions have caved in.  I may be wrong, however.  The last picture is Mark as he is going down into the first tube.  It really doesn't show how large the tube is.  He is up on the side, looking in.  When he got down to the bottom it was probably three feet taller than he was.  He can add a comment to tell you the real details.  He is better at that than I am.


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