Thursday, June 28, 2007

An update

I will start with an update on Susanne. She is finally on the mend. She was off work for about 3 weeks but is now doing much better. They think it was just a nasty virus and we hope they are correct. We have to get rid of our bird and then she'll have another chest CAT scan to make sure her lungs are cleared up. Her heart is doing much better. It still takes a while for her heart to slow down once it starts racing, but it is so much better that we are no longer worried. Oi! It is nice to have her functioning again. She moves out this Saturday.
We bought a swing set for Allie and she would swing all day everyday if we were patient enough to push that long. We need to teach her to pump herself. I am trying to put a link on here so you can see the swing set. The link is just in the title. The swing set is very small so it fits in our small backyard.
Mark is not loving going to work every day, but he doesn't mind the work once he is there. He works in the deli at WalMart. So far they have given him Sundays and Thursdays off. Hopefully it will stay that way.
I am enjoying my time off. I have gone to school a few days to clean and reorganize. Allie loves to come with me. She watches TV (yes, I have a TV in my classroom), plays with my stamps, draws on the whiteboard and when we are all done she gets to play on the playground. She wants me to go today, but I don't know if I will or not. We may go help at Sue's school instead. This is her last week of school and she needs to get some stuff done before she can go off track.
That is enough for now. Hopefully you are all well and happy.
Love, Ann

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cute Stories

I want to add two stories on the Allie front. First: She is FINALLY potty trained. When she finally decided she was ready it was pretty quick and easy. She even wears panties to bed. We went to Lagoon the other day and she stayed dry there as well. Yahoo!!
Now for the cute story. Rick and I are getting Allie a swingset for her birthday. We were discussing which kind and where we were getting the money to pay for it. Allie brought her purse over and gave us a penny to help pay. Rick said, "That is nice Allie but do you have about 10,000 more of those?" Allie said she could give us more and she opened her purse and gave us two more pennies. Isn't she sweet? Now we can afford it for sure.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I have to repent. I do spend time on the computer playing Sudoku and Spider but I don't quite find the time to blog. We have been having an interesting couple of weeks. We have made two runs to the emergency room with Susanne. She is fine as long as she stays still or moves very slowly, but any time she exerts herself at all she gets very short of breath. They have ruled out any heart issues but they still are working on the cause. For Nan to miss a week of work is pretty unusual. You can probably guess that I am starting to worry about this (isn't that a mother's job?). They are having her see a pulmonologist and she has been seeing a rheumatologist because of unexplained swelling in her hands and sometimes legs. Oi! I'll keep you posted, but please keep her in your prayers. She is stubborn enough to have denied her father the privilege of giving her a blessing. She will be mad that I posted this, because she feels stupid and always worries that it is in her head. Silly, silly girl! On a different note, Susanne just signed a contract to move out of our house. She will be close (abt. 3 miles) but it will still be hard to lose her and Allie. We spent a fun night sharing "Allie-isms" last night and Nan, Mark and I were just laughing and laughing. I'll try to get Nan to blog some of those. Her apt. will be ready June 30.

Mark graduated from high school. He is currently looking for a job. He graduated with high honors and worked hard right up to the end. He wants to major in languages, English as well as others. He seems to have a real skill there and loves learning the rules that go with each. I can't believe that he can keep all that straight. He is planning a mission ASAP. His birthday is in Sept. so it is coming up fast. He can turn is papers in the end of June but we can't get his physical appt. before July so he will have to be patient.

I am planning on using this summer to get some organization in my house and classroom. That is always a challenge for me. I haven't gotten as much done this week as I had hoped but I will keep working on it. I do have to start exercising every day as well. Look for a post on the fitness blog next week to report my progress, good or bad.

Rick finally got back to a day shift. It has been nice to have him home for dinner and family time. We keep forgetting to read our scriptures together though, because it has been so long since we have been able to. We'll keep working on that. His job pays for a Lagoon pass and meal once a year and tomorrow is the day. It is a nice outing and we wouldn't pay the price to go if it wasn't free. Allie LOVES Lagoon and is looking forward to it.

That is enough for now. I will try to go get busy.