Sunday, July 22, 2007

Allie's Graduation

You can see what a social butterfly she is.
They all started with caps but it was cold and windy so they eventually blew off.
The teacher trying to get everyone to stand in a line for their little program.
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Graduation Pictures

First Mark

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Trying pictures again

I was talking to Tammy yesterday and she encouraged me to try to post pictures again. I had given up but I think it really worked this time. You may end up with more pictures than you care to see over the next few weeks.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Staying awake

I am trying hard to stay awake so I can see Mark when he comes home from work. I couldn't think of anything better to do than to check all the blogs and add to mine. Thanks again for starting this Todd and Deanna because it is such a nice, easy way to stay in touch. We have worked hard this last week. We moved Susanne with much help from Peter and Quin. Mark and Rick were both working and Sue's other boys were working or playing so Pete provided all the muscle and Quin watched Allie (which you all know is just as important.) Gpa put together a very difficult entertainment center and Gma helped direct traffic. It was a long hard day but also fun because we worked together. Susanne bought a lot of do it yourself furniture. Yuck! I am sick of reading those crazy directions and turning screws. We put together a dresser, vanity, toy shelf and two bookcases in addition to Dad's work on the entertainment center. Her house is coming together and Allie has enjoyed having her own house. She especially loves the swimming pool and would go much more often than her mom lets her. The only thing that keeps me happy is that we still get Allie the three days that Nan works.
Mark is doing well at his job. He has to stay pretty late the nights he closes because all the cleanup has to be finished before they leave. I don't expect him until 12:30 or 1:00AM. He doesn't love working so much but has been a really good sport about it. He hasn't actually gotten paid yet because they hand out checks on his day off. He needs to get a manager to open the safe to get his check and he hasn't been very assertive about that yet. I think he might like his job better when he sees the money. He has had a couple of chances to use his Spanish, which I think is pretty cool. He did have to come home after the first day and look up the word for pound. He is taking the temple prep class and continues to prepare for his mission. Can I tell you how lucky I feel to have such a good kid? He really is amazing to me. I miss having him come to Gospel Doctrine with us because we used to have some pretty cool discussions after class. Now he is in the nursery and I usually substitute in Primary. I have been to RS once this summer and have at least two more weeks as a sub before I get to go to RS again. Poor Rick has been abandoned.
I have gotten to see a lot more of Sue in the last couple of weeks because she has been off track. That has been nice. I love having a sister close by and hope Anna and Lizzie, and Kathryn and Hannah get to be as close to each other as Sue and I have been. There is nothing better than a sister to share dreams and sorrows with. I think of nights sharing a bedroom when we sat up and talked until all hours and many a night Sue let me sing to her because I loved to. We always said we would make great polygamist wives because we are so different in what we like to do. She could cook and I could sew. She could play catch with the boys and I could read stories to the girls. The list goes on and on. Maybe in heaven? Do you think Rick could handle that?
OK, that is enough for one night. I love you all and miss you. I look forward to this fall when Ya-ping and Preston come for several weeks and David comes for at least Mark's farewell. Anyone else want to come to his farewell? We'll keep you posted.