Sunday, June 27, 2010

Final flour pictures

Just a warning: If you look at these before the previous posts, it might spoil the fun. You can see the joy they had with the flour.
Just good, clean? fun. They played for a very long time with no fighting.

Allie took a minute to pose for the camera. It was funny because no one asked her to and we had never seen her pose before.
Now for the part that will forever stay in our minds and stop us from ever doing something like this again. The clean up. We got out the hose and sprayed off the sidewalk and the kids. Now we all remembered that flour and water is that goo that you use for paper mache...... Grandma wisely left the bath to the moms. See all the flour on the comb? It was a long, hard process getting all the flour out. We thought it would be days before it all washed down the drain. Mind you, that was after 10 minutes with the hose. We're glad we did it but won't try that again.
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Flour Part 2

Yaping had some flour that was pretty old so she was going to throw it out. The kids love to play with it when we cook so Ya-ping got the great idea to let them play in it.
They had a great time with molds and smashing them.
Then it got more exciting as they threw it at each other and poured it on themselves.
Preston was the champion of of the flour. He kept saying he was old because of the gray hair.
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More from Nashville

Getting ready for church. When the big boys were in the bath, Grandma got to give Nathaniel his bath in the sink.
Playing outside in one of the big rains. Splashing in puddles and finding worms are always fun adventures.
Franklin wanted to hold baby and was telling him all about the finer points of transformers.
See the blog part two for more flour stories.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More cute boys

David sometimes brings dry ice home for the boys to enjoy. I think there is still a big kid left inside of David. He loves to play with the boys and will do what it takes to entertain them.

Ya-ping was trying to design a hat to keep Nathaniel cool in the HOT Tennessee weather. Doesn't he look like a shiek?

Doing some deep thinking.
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Nashville 2010

I stole some of David's pictures. Here is Franklin as Spiderman. He can even sing the song.
Brother bonding
Look, Ma, no teeth. Preston is showing off the loss of his two bottom teeth.
One of Nathaniel's frequent smiles. Can you tell that I am glad I am here? Children should not take grandchildren far from their grandmothers!
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