Thursday, September 28, 2006


We have a new feud at our house. Mark is always calling Allie the most beautiful girl ever and Preston (AKA Buddy) the cutest boy in the world. On the other hand Mark thinks very little of himself. Allie has taken to calling him the cutest boy in the world. She tells him he is the cutest all the time and he disagrees with her. Then she'll turn to me and get confirmation from me that she is correct and he is wrong. See the accompanying picture and see if you don't agree with Allie and me.

The cutest boy in the world along with Preston

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Allie and Mark Feud

We have a new feud at our house. Mark is always calling Allie the most beautiful girl ever and Preston (AKA Buddy) the cutest boy in the world. On the other hand Mark thinks very little of himself. Allie has taken to calling him the cutest boy in the world. She tells him he is the cutest all the time and he disagrees with her. Then she'll turn to me and get confirmation from me that she is correct and he is wrong. See the accompanying picture and see if you don't agree with Allie and me.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Trying something new

I am going to try posting with a link. Saturday morning the newspaper had a great article that I want to use for FHE. It really made me think about how self-centered we can be. I am going to try this "
drive-by prayer"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

An unusual visitor to my school

I thought I'd post this because it was so unusual.

There have been mice in my school before, although I've only seen them outside at my school. Today after school I was waiting for someone to take home. While I was standing there, I saw something fly around. I've seen birds in buildings before, but it's not a common sight, so I thought it was pretty funny. But I soon realized it was not a bird. It was a bat! I don't know how it got in, or what happened to it, but there it was, flying around, accompanied by the laughter and shock of students. I've never seen bats around here before, so seeing one in the daytime in a building was quite surprising. Our ventilation system consists of removable tiles in the ceiling, so the person I had to take home wondered if it was living in the ceiling. We know there are mice up there.

I'd like to know what they find out about it...

An unusual visitor to my school

I thought I'd post this because it was so unusual.

There have been mice in my school before, although I've only seen them outside at my school. Today after school I was waiting for someone to take home. While I was standing there, I saw something fly around. I've seen birds in buildings before, but it's not a common sight, so I thought it was pretty funny. But I soon realized it was not a bird. It was a bat! I don't know how it got in, or what happened to it, but there it was, flying around, accompanied by the laughter and shock of students. I've never seen bats around here before, so seeing one in the daytime in a building was quite surprising. Our ventilation system consists of removable tiles in the ceiling, so the person I had to take home wondered if it was living in the ceiling. We know there are mice up there.

I'd like to know what they find out about it...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Try again

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If the Thompsons won't blog...I will

David took some pictures of the Thompson boys before he left. They wanted the babies in the pictures and Allie happily complied. Do you all know Jesse has a blog now? Check my blog for the address. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Scary and silly

Today was a scary day. I went over to Sue's house to see Jesse before he headed back to Snow (he was home because Thompsons went hiking with Uncle Paul). Allie was sliding off the couch and slipped onto her arms. She cried about her arm hurting but stopped fairly soon. The only problem was that she wouldn't use or move her arm after that. I ended up taking her it Instacare where we saw a pediatrician that I really like. She twisted, prodded and wiggled and Allie seemed to be OK. She had done a move that puts an elbow back into place if it is dislocated and thinks that was the key. She is not positive, but didn't want to do X-rays if she didn't have to. Time will tell if that will do the trick, but Allie seems better already. Whew! I always hate it when she gets sick or hurt on my watch.

While we were waiting for the Dr. we were talking about Heavenly Father. Allie asked where he lived and I gave her the not quite correct but easy answer of high in the sky. She asked how He got there (somewhere in the discussion she made a point of the fact that he can come down and visit us). Then she tried to answer her own question: Does He use a broom. Yes, I did keep a straight face as I explained that he didn't really need a broom to zoom around. She has been pretty hilarious lately. She was looking at a Little Mermaid book and asked Mark if he used to like looking at treasures when he was a little mermaid. Then when Mark was feeding the bird she informed him that bird seed was gross. She had tried it when she was a little bird and it was yucky. Don't they say the best thing you can give your child is an imagination?

Although we don't get to see Preston, we do get to talk to him. He loves to talk on the phone and will talk non-stop for many minutes (I'll have to time him some time, but I know it is over 5 min.) He babbles and jabbers and if you are lucky you may catch a word or two. I think he will take a while to aquire real language because he is so sure that his words are real and meaningful. If you haven't checked Dave's blog there are some pretty cute pictures there.

I am sorry that I haven't blogged in a while. Sometimes I just don't know what to say and sometimes I am just plain lazy. School has begun again and we are starting to settle in so I should be a little calmer and less busy. My class this year is small (23) and MUCH better than last years group. We are hoping they will let the fourth grade stay small, but they could remove a teacher from our school in October to get classes back up to the "ideal" of 30 students. Our parents are pretty loud and strong so I think we will probably get to stay small. We miss you all and have enjoyed seeing so many of you this summer.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


The days and nights have continually gotten cooler and cooler. On Thursday it rained a little. Yesterday, Friday, it rained a lot.

The rain came down pretty hard, perhaps the hardest it's rained all year. Allie said it was going to snow and Santa Claus would come. She has been hoping lately for a gift-bearing holiday being; she has also said that the Easter (sometimes Beagle, sometimes Bunny) is going to come on Halloween, and that Santa Claus is going to bring her a basket. Anyway, it rained a lot. I rode in my school's homecoming parade in an open truck bed trailer, and got pretty wet by the end of it. When I got home, I could see my breath for the first time this season. It got a little cold at night.

Today was a very cold day. It hasn't rained too much, but it's been overcast most of the day. But I'm excited about the cold. I love the arrival of autumn. Perhaps I just like a change in the weather; I also like it when spring is coming, but I think fall is my favorite time of year. Nothing seems more satisfying than staying inside the house while it is lightly dark (no oxymoron intended) and cold. Plus, the cold brings Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!