Nothing new?
I am afraid that I have joined the seldom bloggers. Our Christmas was nice and it was especially fun to have children here. Allie loved unwrapping presents but she is getting too smart. She knew exactly which presents had her princess dolls in them. Of course, she wanted to open those first. At the end she said, "Where's my Belle?" We had gotten Cinderella and Snow White but not Belle. Not to worry, her mother bought her Belle after she had her dilatation because she was so brave this time. Preston got a Little Tykes piano that wasn't wrapped and he loved that so much he didn't need to unwrap anything. The adults got very little and didn't feel the least bit slighted.
Allie had her esophagus dilated on the 27th. This is the first time her GI doc did it as a scheduled procedure and not that radiologist as an emergency procedure. Allie was much calmer, probably because she hadn't spent several hours in ER. They are going to repeat it every 4 to 6 months and hopefully everything will go much smoother. She even woke up yesterday requesting to go to the doctors (that had NEVER happened before) so that she could get a popsicle. We bought the popsicles so that she wouldn't have to go to the docs more than needed.
We are planning a calm family New Years Eve. We have two tickets to Hale Center Theater with Sue and Wayne early in the evening. Dave and Ya-ping may go because the main character was Dave's drama TA. We have to go buy balloons today so Mark can decorate properly. We had a great year and expect more of the same next year.