Wow! More than three years
It has been a long time since anyone used this blog. I don't know if anyone will even read this, but I will know it is public. Mark has been a really good influence on Rick and me. He lost a lot of weight on his mission and has been working hard to stay fit. Now that he has moved back home he is encouraging us as well. Mark and I are going to try to walk/run four or five times a week. I think he will do more than that but I am not promising more. We went up to Bountiful Blvd. (flat land) and he jogged while I walked. We had hoped that he would walk the last little bit with me but he jogged a lot longer than I walked. I still walked for a full 40 minutes and I have to admit that it felt good. I actually got faster as I went, which surprised me. I guess I just needed to loosen up these old, stiff muscles. Wish me luck!! Same time, same place tomorrow.