Monday, July 07, 2008

A puffer fish that was almost as big as Preston.
David trying to keep Preston dry as he petted the sturgeons.
Preston played in the fountains. David finally gave up trying to keep him dry and let him be an alligator.
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cool jelly fish, etc.

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Grandma and Franklin waited while everyone else rode one of the steepest rail cars in the country up to Look Out Mt.

The cool rocks. Some of the places were so narrow that we had to take the backpack off and carry Franklin. Preston loved collecting bugs and slugs along the trail. The following picture is called Fat Man's Misery.
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Another fun trip

This has been our year for fun trips. We are currently in Nashville visiting with Dave, Ya-ping and boys. We took the scenic route with stops at Monument Valley, The Grand Canyon, Sunset Volcano, the Arizona Meteor Crater, Petrified Forest and some Indian ruins. Then we took Nashville Melvilles with us to Chattanooga to see some cool rock formations, the largest underground waterfall, some civil war battlefields and a cool aquarium. We hope to see Finches, Deanna and kids, and possibly Paul and Nancy on our way home. I will try to post some of David's pictures, but I haven't downloaded mine yet. I had to promise Mark that I would take plenty of pictures of the kids so he could see them. He says they are really the only ones that he really misses. Poor Mark, he leaves us and we take cool vacations. We'll just have to do this again in a couple of years.