An update
I will start with an update on Susanne. She is finally on the mend. She was off work for about 3 weeks but is now doing much better. They think it was just a nasty virus and we hope they are correct. We have to get rid of our bird and then she'll have another chest CAT scan to make sure her lungs are cleared up. Her heart is doing much better. It still takes a while for her heart to slow down once it starts racing, but it is so much better that we are no longer worried. Oi! It is nice to have her functioning again. She moves out this Saturday.
We bought a swing set for Allie and she would swing all day everyday if we were patient enough to push that long. We need to teach her to pump herself. I am trying to put a link on here so you can see the swing set. The link is just in the title. The swing set is very small so it fits in our small backyard.
Mark is not loving going to work every day, but he doesn't mind the work once he is there. He works in the deli at WalMart. So far they have given him Sundays and Thursdays off. Hopefully it will stay that way.
I am enjoying my time off. I have gone to school a few days to clean and reorganize. Allie loves to come with me. She watches TV (yes, I have a TV in my classroom), plays with my stamps, draws on the whiteboard and when we are all done she gets to play on the playground. She wants me to go today, but I don't know if I will or not. We may go help at Sue's school instead. This is her last week of school and she needs to get some stuff done before she can go off track.
That is enough for now. Hopefully you are all well and happy.
Love, Ann