Thursday, November 10, 2005

Not much news

There really isn't much news here but since I love reading new posts, I'll add one for everyone else. The best news is that Ya-ping is feeling much better. She still has stones and they haven't figured out the cause yet, but we are on our way.
I got to attend the temple wedding of my friend Jackie's son. It was very nice. Jackie paid to have my nails done the day before. I have loved having finger nails. I feel more feminine and love to look at them. I am afraid that means our budget is in trouble because it will cost me about $20 a month to keep them up. Luckily I have a husband who works too hard and supports us well.
We just shampooed the carpet last night and rearranged the living room so we can accomodate the Christmas tree in a few weeks. That seems weird that Christmas is just around the corner. I have started shopping, but just a very little bit. My family is getting old enough that they aren't that fun or easy to buy for. We also have so many toys for Allie and Preston that they don't need much either. It will still be fun. As I get older the 'present' part of Christmas gets less important and the 'family' part gets a lot more fun!
I love and miss you all.


Blogger Sarah said...

I'm glad Ya-ping is starting to feel better. Hopefully they will figure out what's going on. And good luck with the nails. I've never had mine done. sometimes I think I want to but it would drive me CRAZY playing the piano.

14/11/05 13:54  
Blogger Apeface said...

I assume you got all the sewing done before Jackie's son's wedding? I also don't think I would want my nails done. Long nails drive me nuts!

16/11/05 14:11  

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