Sunday, October 16, 2005

New Roof and a name

This has been a busy weekend. The High Priests quorum (aka old men) came and helped us put on a new roof. They worked about 6 hours on Saturday after several hours from Mark, Rick and Steve Moosman (the expert) on Friday. It is done and looks good. It is so nice to have so many people willing to help. It made light work of an otherwise very long project.

The most exciting thing for me this weekend is that Allie finally decided to say Grandma. Everyone else has had a name except me. Ya-ping is still GaGo but everyone else has their real name now.

Ya-ping is not doing too well health wise. Please add her to your prayers. She had another sound wave thing to smash kidney stones and is now passing all those stones. OUCH! Between the pain and the medicine she hasn't been able to keep any food down since Friday. They are planning on going back to Taiwan in December for the nine months before grad school. They are looking into a Visa for Dave so he can work there. It will be hard to have them so far away for so long, but her family has lived with it all this time. David's current plans are to apply to SanDiego, MIT, and Rochester, NY for grad school. All of those are far away, but fun to visit.


Blogger Deanna said...

Sorry to hear about Ya-Ping. I've heard those are absolutely terrible to pass. I hope she starts feeling better soon.

17/10/05 20:37  
Blogger Basin Ebberts said...

YaPing will be in our thoughts and prayers. And yes, it is hard to have them far away---making our internet even more valuable! Cool that you have a new roof and even better that you have a new name!!! I understand feeling excited about a new roof---but boy, if you would have told me that when I was in my twenties, I would have thought you had lost your mind! Hugs!

19/10/05 12:58  
Blogger Tammy said...

I hope that Ya-ping gets to feeling better. Is there any way to prevent kidney stones? Why do they occur? What are they? We will pray for her. Think your friends would come out here and do our roof? Two of our neighbors did theirs this fall, and it makes ours look needy. I can see only about 3 or 4 of our high priests up on a roof!! Yours must be younger than ours. I think Greg is the youngest of them all though.

19/10/05 19:08  
Blogger Apeface said...

That's great that you got a new roof. Hey, why don't you tell them to come over and finish our basement while their at it? Tell Ya-Ping that I hope she gets better soon.

22/10/05 12:01  

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