Thursday, July 28, 2005


Susanne had an interesting day at work Sunday. She took a couple of minutes to get down to see a doctor after she was paged. Her patient had told the Dr. that the nurse had said she shouldn't walk that night. What she had really said was that they would wait until after the pain meds were working. Well, the doc went to the nurses station and started complaining. When Nan walked up he said, "There you are you little [witch] and then pulled her stethoscope tightly around her neck and pulled her into the doc's charting room. He is a doc known for his bad temper and they have had words before (yes, Nan backtalks to go girl). This particular one has even been suspended from the hospital before and had to take anger management classes. Nan just looked at him and said, " What the [heck]" He quickly let her loose and went back out to the nurses station so everyone could see that he wasn't being any more ignorant to her. He backed right off and talked very sweetly to her. Nan figures he'll be really nice to her for a while. She opted not to report him because he backed right down. She came home just laughing about it. I am not so sure I would have laughed. This Dr. is one they work with all the time (most of his patients are transplants and that is their floor) so she is used to him.

On a brighter note....It is funny how different babies are. Preston doesn't stand by himself very well, maybe a few seconds is all, but he sure loves to walk. He holds on to your fingers and just starts to go. His favorite thing is walking. If he is crabby that is one thing that will usually cheer him up.


Blogger Deanna said...

That's really lame that Nan has to put up with Dr.'s like that. Those are the personality traits that I don't like in medicine. You would love working with Todd, Nan! He is the total opposite of that. Todd always makes huge efforts to know all the nurses by name, talk to them respectfully and friendly and always treat them very well (and go figure, they all really like him and love working with him). Todd has been told by multiple doctors that it's a waste for him to go into Radiology because he's so great with patients (and staff). That's my only guilt piece with him choosing Radiology - he really IS very blessed in being able to interact with other people and make them feel comfortable, etc. And he won't get to have a lot of patient interaction in Rads. is most important and Rads will be much better for our family. So I get over the guilt really quickly!

29/7/05 08:02  
Blogger Tammy said...

That is awful. Can a doc get suspended for something like that? I am not sure I could ever be a nurse. It seems like one of the toughest jobs in the hospital.

29/7/05 08:34  

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