Thursday, January 28, 2010

Little Nathaniel

Just a quick update on Nathaniel's status. He is doing very well. He is now up to 5 pounds and strong and calm. He will remain in the NICU for about 8 more days. He had bacteria in his urine and his spinal fluid so they are giving him IV antibiotics. The nice thing is they caught it all very early (was dropping him a blessing in disguise?) because Ya-ping took him to a dr. for a second opinion to make sure there had been no damage from his fall. The older boys are doing well. They are now used to going to bed and/or waking up with grandma. Franklin always asks where mom, dad and baby are but then he goes about his business calmly. I'm glad I am here but wish I could eke out one more week. If I was better organized at school that might have been a possibility, but me? organized? Oi!!


Blogger Christensen's said...

What happened to the baby? He fell? I will keep you all in my prayers.

28/1/10 10:15  
Blogger Quin said...

So his name is Nathaniel?

28/1/10 16:00  
Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Just a little explanation. When Nathaniel was 2 days old the nurses came in to tell Ya-ping he had been dropped. As it turns out he fell out of the bed. How does that happen you ask? No one knows. They have removed the bed and are proceeding with an investigation. Apparently the side came open, but then again Nathaniel doesn't move much so how did he fall out? He seems to be fine. No broken bones and we don't think any other injuries.

29/1/10 07:24  
Blogger Sarah said...

oh my goodness, that is awful! I was wondering if someone in the family accidentally dropped him, but this is much, much worse! I am glad he is okay though. But how scary! wow!! wow.

29/1/10 08:04  

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