Saturday, August 27, 2005

First Day of School

Well, it has been a busy week. Mark and I both started school. My class has 27 students but we will probably be making some changes so we will end up with 29 or 30. The other 4th grade classes have 24 and 25 each and the changes will affect them more because they will increase to 29 or 30 as well. The politics at school are what are bugging me right now. The 6th grade class has 35 kids right now and if we make the change all grades 4 through 6 will have between 29 and 31. The state of Utah says they should be at 30 students so that would put all classes right on. My partner and the other 4th grade teacher don't want to make the change because it will increase our class size. When did we forget that decisions are all about what is best for the kids? The school has some history when the same 4th and 6th grade teachers let 4th grade sit at 38 students when 6th grade had mid twenties. Now the 4th grade wants revenge. OI! OK that is enough complaining.

Mark hasn't said too much about school. Only his usual, "It's OK." He is a little worried about how much he is supposed to read for AP American History. I think the teachers try to scare the kids out early on. We bought a suit for Mark today because he is going to sing for the Sat. afternoon session of October conference. They are putting together a regional youth choir and the boys all have to wear dark suits. He looks pretty handsome in his suit! We even bought him some wingtip shoes to go with it. As soon as all the alterations are done I will try to post a picture (It will probably have to be done covertly because he would never willingly submit to a picture). He is such a good kid. I thank my lucky stars every day to have a boy as obediant and kind as he is.

Allie spent the day at Primary's ER again today. Her throat closed up again and she choked everytime she ate. They put the scope down and there didn't seem to be a stricture this time so they are not sure what the problem was. The radiologist will send the report to her GI doc and they will talk about it at her appt. on Wednesday. This is just one of the joys of medicine - it is not an exact science. It was nice for it to happen when Nan was home this time and not on Grandma's day. She is back to normal and eating again so all is well for another six or eight months.
Enough for tonight. I hope you all are healthy and happy. As much as I whined today I do feel like things are going really well. I love you all!


Blogger Tammy said...

Back to the old grind, eh? Is the school in shape yet. Don't you just hate politics. It seems you can't avoid even at (or maybe especially at) church. We will look for Mark while we watch conference. I hope Allie is OK. It must be hard having these little problems keep popping up. At least with Adam things are pretty much gone, with only an occasional visit to the cardiologist. We think of you guys often.

28/8/05 19:14  
Blogger Sarah said...

Classrooms have too many students I think. My friend teaches at a Title 1 school and has 10-15 students. Of course, they are lower class and have more problems, but it still seems easier to manage. She hasn't had any problems so far. I hope you like your class this year and that everything goes well.

31/8/05 17:31  

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