Thursday, June 15, 2006

Home at last

David and Ya-ping finally got home Tuesday night. It is so nice having them back. Preston is having a pretty hard time adjusting to the time change. Three AM seems to be his wake up and play time, so his parents are also lacking on sleep. I am sure he'll get that worked out after a while. Preston loves being outside so we spent quite a bit of time out and about yesterday. We bought him a small basketball standard because he absolutely loves all things "ball". The hard part will be finding a place for the packing and organizing. We had put all of their stuff in the sun room, but when they went to Taiwan we put it in their bedroom because the sunroom gets too hot in the summer. Now we have to find a place and that is tough. I am working on cleaning the family room so they can have some space down here.


Blogger Apeface said...

I hate cleaning! I've been doing more of it this week than normal and it still just never ends! It's great that they're home. How did Allie (sp?) and Preston react when they saw each other again?

15/6/06 10:42  
Blogger Tammy said...

I am glad that they made it home and that Preston is enjoying himself. You guys are really spoiled having the grandkids around so much. Packing does stink. At least it is a good time to throw stuff away, so you have less to pack :) Hey, I am looking for the positives here.

15/6/06 12:36  
Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Tammy, you did a good job of finding the positives. It does feel good to throw stuff away. Preston and Allie have loved playing together. Allie stayed home when I went to the airport and I was sure she would be asleep when we got home, but she was wide awake and waiting. Preston still sleeps a lot in the day and Allie will wander around the living room asking when Preston will wake up. At least she doesn't try to wake him up.

16/6/06 08:26  

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